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Mrs Julia Jenkins – Personal Tutor

Contact Details
Email: jcj@aber.ac.uk
I’d like to introduce myself to you because I have the privilege of being your personal tutor for this module. This means that you can come to me if you have any issues which are affecting your studies but which are not related to the academic content of the module.
For example, you may find yourself struggling to keep on top of the workload (very understandable; you’ve probably got to juggle your studies with your professional work and family responsibilities, which may have increased because of the pandemic) so you may be worried about your study skills or time management skills. You may have concerns about your mental health, or wish to flag up any disabilities which affect your studying. In every case I’m very happy to have a chat and, I hope, help you to find ways to deal with your situation – or put you in touch with someone who could help.
Click here to read more about Julia and how she can help.
My background is that I’ve not only worked in Aberystwyth University for over 30 years, specifically in the fields of distance learning and student support, but I’ve also studied courses through distance learning myself (philosophy at the Open University). So I have a real understanding of the pressures and sense of isolation this method of learning can bring. Being able to talk to someone who’s been through it themselves may be a real help if you’re feeling uncertain about how to cope.
Please be assured that I will always assume our conversations (whether by phone, email, messaging or video calls) are relatively confidential, so you need not worry that you might be compromising your marks or your position on the course by anything you tell me. ‘Relatively confidential’ means that I would only share our conversations with others in the university as necessary (with Student Support, for example). In particular, if you are ever in a crisis situation I may have to contact other people to ensure that you get the support you need.
Finally, although mine is a part-time post, I will try to be available by email or messaging at those ‘out of hours’ times when you are most likely to be studying, given that you probably have many daytime commitments (professional and personal), and I will try to be available during your working day if you would like to have a chat in a prearranged phone call or video link. And while I may not know all the answers to all of your questions, I should be able to put you in touch with the specialists who do!
I am very much looking forward to “meeting” you.
Mrs Elin Mabutt – Project Manager
LLB (Hons)

Contact Details
Email: emm32@aber.ac.uk
Mrs Lauren Clare – Student Administrator

Contact Details
Email: lac63@aber.ac.uk
Mr Scott Friel – Project Technician
MPhys, MInstP

Contact Details
Email: sbf3@aber.ac.uk
Miss Elizabeth Evans-Finance Administrator

Contact Details
Email: ele45@aber.ac.uk
Ms Susan Jenkins – Marketing & Sales Officer

Contact Details
Email: suj13@aber.ac.uk