Improving digital and media skills in the creative industries

Advanced Media Production was supported by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government and was led by Aberystwyth University. The project supported Wales’ creative industries sector by training professionals and graduates to exploit new technologies in media production.

Advanced Media Production was a unique multidisciplinary scheme between Aberystwyth University’s Departments of Computer Science  and  Theatre, Film & Television Studies.

The Advanced Media Production project aimed to provide accredited training to enhance innovation and productivity within Welsh public and private sector industries.

Working in conjunction with Aberystwyth University, we offered businesses and their employees access to high level training to enable them to become more sustainable and efficient and with a specific focus on new technologies and their potential for increasing growth and jobs.


Introduction to Media Production
Programming for Digital Media
Advanced Skills in Media Production
Digital Culture
Gender and Media Production
Applied Graphics
Web Development
Extended Reality Icon
Big Data PNG
Research Concepts and Skills PNG

Learning and Teaching Enhancement Award for AMP Lecturer

Many congratulation to Dr Laura Stephenson, one of our AMP lecturers, who has been awarded the prestigious Exemplary Course Award for Aberystwyth University this year for the AMP Gender and Media Production module. This award, which is open to the whole university and is awarded by the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit, is a fantastic…